Friday, April 10, 2009

See Increased Height By Using Ankle Weights

By Rodney Williams

Lengthening your bones is the primary focus of any effort to gain height. Although you may not believe it, you have what it takes to make your body grow. The majority of people who think they have reached their predetermined height actually have the ability to grow up to two more inches. A great way to make this happen is to wear ankle weights.

When you were a young child you had very soft, or non-fused, bones because they were growing very quickly. At this age, your body surges with growth hormone triggering a rapid growth. Also, you are very active at this age. As a child, your body is naturally stretching in a way that demands greater stature. Your body compensates for this activity by growing.

When you began to pass puberty your bones began to harden, or fuse. The closer you came to adulthood the more limited your growth became. However, if you can simulate the exercises that forced your body to grow in the first place you will be able to gain height. This can best be done when you use ankle weights.

When you wear ankle weights your body is forced to stretch and grow. Ankle weights give your muscles better tone, especially in your lower torso and legs. They make stretching more effective by increasing resistance. They also serve to stretch the cartilage between your bones and vertebrae. Additionally, they help your body use the micro-fractures that occur during exercise to stimulate growth.

When you are doing a high-impact exercise such as jogging, the bones in your legs suffer tiny breaks called micro-fractures. These breaks are painless and normally unnoticeable. Without the proper enhancements, these fractures are simply repaired and your body does not grow. If you weigh down your legs using ankle weights, these fractures are extended. As your body repairs itself, it will fill in these micro-fractures with new bone matter and make you taller. The increased resistance improves your muscle tone to support your body as it is growing taller. Additionally, ankle weights stretch and increase the cartilage between your joints. Please remember not to wear your ankle weights during your high-impact workout as it may cause injury.

Many ankle weight exercises can help growth. These exercises should be strategically planned to optimize your periods of activity and rest. After you perform a high-impact exercise, like running, you should apply ankle weights. Sit in a chair with your legs hanging freely for about 30 minutes, always keeping your legs still. This makes your bones repair themselves in this lengthened position. You should apply ankle weights again about an hour before you sleep. Sit on a chair with your legs hanging freely and swing each leg one at a time. This gets your bones prepared to use the growth hormones while you sleep and it is a great preparation for sleeping with tension. To sleep with tension you will want to attach ankle weights and then sleep with your lower legs dangling over the edge of your bed. This method is more efficient because it puts all of the effort on your lower legs.

If you want more variety in your routine, there are a few more active exercises that will also help you grow taller. For example, stand with your feet shoulder width apart while you are wearing ankle weights. Make sure your weight is on your heels and your toes are point outward. Then, shift your feet so that the weight of your body is on your toes and they point inward, but make sure you are not straining. Next, raise your foot backward and bend your toes forward and backward. Repeat this action with your opposite foot. Another exercise is to plant one foot in front of the other. Bend your knee and lunge right and left and then repeat with the other leg.

Kicks and Pull-Ups are another way you can use ankle weights to grow. An effective kicking routine should have a minimum of 100 kicks daily and then double that amount every two weeks. Kicks should be done gently and in a controlled manner. There are two different ways to do Pull-Ups. First, when you pull up alternate your position so that your head is in front of the bar and then behind it. Then, pull your legs up to your chest as you hang loose and then drop your legs quickly. That technique will really extend the micro-fractures in your bones to help them grow.

Ankle weight workouts are a great way to promote growth. They are a great follow-up to high-impact exercise because they tone your muscles and stretch the bone as it is repaired. Nutrition and activity are key components to growing taller. However, if you are giving your body the right food and exercise it needs to grow, ankle weights will help you see results sooner.

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